This book had me hooked before I even opened it. I was one of those teenagers that was filled with angst and the need to just kill myself and be done with it. Obviously, I made it. It wasn't easy. I look back at my teen years and thank the stars above that I don't have to be there anymore. I totally can relate to the deep depression that can threaten to take a teenager down. That's why I think if you are depressed, or know a friend that is depressed that you have to speak up.
Speak to a teacher, a friend, your young adult librarian.
Someone will listen.
This book just brings the point home. Read it. Pass it to your friend. Tell me what you think, I gladly welcome your responses.
Too shy to speak to someone you might know? Try these resources:
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
Teen Helpline: 1-800-400-0900
Being Bullied? - Try these web sources:
* A special thank you to the author Julie Anne Peters for tackling this subject *
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